Madesi is calling themselves madhesi,
what desrimination are these idiots talking about now?if we talk about decrimination .There is not a single person who is not descriminated. So , Madeshi should stop BSing around and start collecting khali sisi hahahah.. just kiddin.
Dude , are these people going to be happy if we just make madeshi part of india , with hindi as official language and dhoti as official dress.What crap these people group together and talk all the time.
Everybody needs peice of Nepal.As if it is a cake.
woman descriminated re, religious descrimantion re, jaatpat descrimination re, madesi descimination,maobadi descimination,khobadi descrimination, madale descrimination ,..what other descrimination are there in nepal???any new stuff.
we should just change countries Name to DESCRIMINATION.