Although there is a sense of belief out there that Wall Street is getting more diverse in terms of its employees, I think it is a bunch of bull crap. Companies on the Street claim that they promote diversity but when it comes to hiring, especially for the good, coveted positions they want their Fu**K*EN white people. THese Managing directors and other F**Ck*ES think that only white people can do these jobs, when on the contrary a lot of qualified minorities can do those jobs with their eyes closed. These mofos think they have some sort of inherant right or privelege to always be a miles ahead of everyone. Mofos, raping the world for profit,,these gore haramis thirst for money can never be quenched. Unfortunately we have to go begging to these chutiaz to get good jobs. All these other IVY LEague mofos have this look on their face as if their shit doesn't stink or something. Overrated mujis. F**UC**K E*M!