The Namesake, a novel by Jhumpa Lahiri made into a movie by Mira Nair...What a movie. Usually I tend not to watch such artsy, over-hyped, award-winning movies preferring to just read the summary on the web or looking up the novel itself, but this one really made my day. Brilliant acting by Tabu (the award winning female from Chandni Bar), Kalpen Modi (Kal Penn...yes, the same stoner dude from Harold and Kumar) and Irfan Khan. Still can't believe I missed out on this movie for the past year and a half.
To all who are still living under a rock, go and get a copy of this movie and watch it. Especially for the first generation cats abroad, this movie is bound to change your perception of why you came here and want to reamin put in this land which is not your own.
Last edited: 07-Jan-08 08:26 PM